Impress your customers with
faster and more efficient deliveries
Timely and accurate deliveries are big competitive differentiators in e-commerce. Delivering faster and more accurately is a decisive factor in customer satisfaction and costs. Studies indicate that the logistics cost consumes more than 12% of the revenue of Brazilian companies*. Therefore, having an integrated and reliable data system is essential to prosper in digital channels.
*Source: Fundação Dom Cabral
What are your main challenges
in the pursuit of logistics efficiency?
If these are challenges for you and your staff,
then Datacare can revolutionize your operations.
1. Are delays and reshipments a big waste?
2. Are logistics operation indicators distorted by inaccurate data?
3. Can customer satisfaction and quality indicators be improved?

Ensure Delivery of Products by Properly Handling Customers Addresses
Imagine customer records full of postal code errors. Inevitably you will waste time and resources by sending the package to the wrong place. It is also certain that the customer will not be happy about the delay. By using Datacare’s master data tool, the company reduces logistics costs in product delivery because it handles customer addresses properly. This reduces delivery delays and reshipments caused by address problems. Governance, quality, and unicity of information are essential to the business.

Increase sales by optimizing shipping deadlines
Logistics efficiency has an impact not only on reducing costs, but also on raising customer satisfaction. Some companies that use Datacare to optimize their logistics operations have been able to increase customer satisfaction. That’s a big number! In addition, there has been a reduction in the indicators of failed delivery and reshipments due to address problems. The better management and treatment of product, address, supplier, and customer data leads to a leaner, more efficient and beneficial operation for everyone.

Optimize vendor-set lead times
95% of companies are impacted by poor data quality and 65% say that too much data hinders optimal management**. Datacare has emerged to orchestrate data and revolutionize the way your company conducts data management. Overly long deadlines and delays are typically a management problem. Using geo-referencing and big data, you can establish better routes, predict delays, and handle emergencies with more agility and predictability. Datacare users have seen a reduction in vendor shipment incidences.
** Global Data Manager Report

Improve logistics service provider quality indicators
Smarter management is closely linked to the availability and quality of the data captured and monitored. Executives see data as the most valuable business asset. The competitive advantage of being data-driven is to provide a better customer experience. Datacare is a way to simplify your data management and make reliable data available for your dashboards and SLAs.

Logistics Cases

Datacare People
The records of individuals and organizations, as well as their relationship history, contain valuable information for strategic decisions. The reliability of this data is essential for the correct operation of your marketing and sales strategies.
Professional Services
Assesso offers a set of professional services specializing in the handling, management, governance, and support of your data services, ensuring the highest performance and availability.